24 Jan Cyber Security Awareness is the key to success
In 2019, data breaches cost UK businesses an average of £7 million.
By 2021, cybercrime will cost the world over $6 trillion a year.
Human error accounted between 60% and 90% of them, as 70% of employees don’t understand cybersecurity. Those facts alone are usually enough to persuade people that security awareness training is very important.
As an experienced MSP, we can only recommend our clients of the benefits of introducing security awareness training, sooner rather than later.
- Avoid Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks
Starting with the biggest danger, security awareness training helps prevent business destroying data breaches. The precise number of breaches security awareness training prevents is impossible to calculate.
In a perfect world, we’d be able to run a regulated trial in which 50% of the workforce of a business are given security training, the other half given no training at all. The two could then be compared to see the variation in security knowledge.
Such a situation is not quite realistic – that doesn’t mean advanced security awareness training providers are incapable to justify the ROI of security awareness.
Your workforce is the first line of security. With 91% of cyberattacks beginning with a phishing email, it’s clear to see that not many are aware of the dangers that lurk within a simple email. Without training, staff are entirely vulnerable to spreading malware and leaking data without even knowing.
- To influence company culture in security techniques
A culture of security has long been the heart & lungs for chief information security officers. Similarly, such a culture is seen to be very difficult and tough to accomplish.
With the relief of security awareness training, some are heading in the right direction to gain this trustworthy, citadel reputation.
By maintaining an eye on indicators of culture, advanced security awareness training platforms can support security specialists observe, develop and create a culture of security – making their workforce a proactive defence against threats.
- To make technological protections stronger & more intellectual
Technological defences are an important weapon in avoiding the depths of data breaches. But technological defences necessitate input from the workforce. Firewalls need to be switched onto extreme security. Security threats need to be acknowledged. The software needs to be continuously renovated and monitored.
Few businesses today would wish of operating without technological defences. And yet, without security awareness training, technological defences are not used anywhere near their full capability.
To make matters bleaker, attackers today rarely bother penetrating businesses through solely technological methods. Today’s attackers typically prefer to focus on individuals, who are suspicious but suffer from unintentional clicking with lack of awareness of the destruction one email can do.
Want to get the best for your business?
We specialise in learning our clients’ business and best-applying security technology to their needs.
If you would appreciate a free brief discussion about your operational challenges & to explore the threats to your business, please get in touch today – 01480 570339 or drop us a line [email protected]