It’s unlikely you came across this rule… Backup and disaster recovery solutions are legal requirements under the GDPR rules. With any Business accountable or in charge for the possession of important data,...

What is the threat to my data? Here at Puzzle Technology, we are always helping customers to improve and maintain their data security. With the upsurge of threats to our private...

Learn lessons from cyber-attacks to better defend your business Puzzle Technology help businesses facing well-organised and dangerous attackers, including nation-states and cyber-criminals that are determined to crash your cyber defences. Attacks...

Phishing is rife, and they’re only getting smarter Hackers are beavering away via a number of routes to get access to your personal data. Email is by far one of...

How to mitigate social cyber security threats The threat from cyber hackers to small & large businesses alike is on the rise. There are many high impact attacks taking place...

Don’t forget about security - invest in cyber defences! Puzzle Technology regularly speaks to new and small businesses across Cambridgeshire about the importance of investing in proper cyber security for small...